September 22, 2015

Blogging Business: Maximizing Your Pinterest Account

Ever wondered how bloggers build their Pinterest followings to staggering numbers? While I'm no pro, I've learned a few tricks of the trade through experiences and hearing what other bloggers have to say. Read on for how you can become a Pinterest pro.

-Original Content: Sharing your own images from your blog is a great way to gain blog traffic. Share easily pinnable images, such as outfits, food, and travel photos.

-Group Boards: Joining group boards is a great way to share your original content and images and spread your images to a wider following beyond your individual one.

-Organize: Make your account page easily viewable and user-friendly, meaning: creating an aesthetic look to the main photos on your boards, which should have similar titles and are in the right category.

-Don't Give It All Away: Don't give everything away in your pin, keep your descriptions short, sweet, and something the viewer will want to click through to.

-Consistency: There's nothing worse than seeing a whole slew of re-pins from someone I follow one day, and not seeing them active again for a week. If you're worried about inconsistency, search for Pinterest schedulers to help you out.

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