February 18, 2016

Recipe: Burrata Prosciutto Pizza

Burrata and prosciutto, how I do love thee. This pizza is an ode to two of my biggest food vices, and guiltiest pleasures, so of course when I saw this recipe on Pinterest I knew I had to make it.

I decided to forgo the red pepper flakes and salt because I'm not a huge fan of red pepper nor of adding salt to my food, especially when all I could find was Prosciutto di Parma, which tends to be on the saltier side compared to San Daniele. I brushed olive oil all over my dough before topping it with sauce to give the crust a little more crunch and sheen. 

This pizza was serious so so good! The burrata was a bit difficult to work with and I wouldn't recommend putting the pizza in the oven with the burrata on it because it got a bit too melty for my taste so I had to let it cool for quite some time before eating it. 

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