October 16, 2009

Review: Glamour Doll Eyes

Today I got an exciting box in the mail from Glamour Doll Eyes, and I’m so excited! Vanessa is so sweet and includes several adorable business cards and 2 free samples with every order!

Vanessa , a married 20 something year old decided in November 2008 to start making shadows, and eventually Glamour Doll Eyes was born! Since then Vee has expanded to blushes, bronzers, and most recently lip balms! Goody Balms were thought up by Vanessa, and Mel (makeupbymingles on youtube) got together and voila!

The colors I got:
Jealousy- free sample
Ladies Night- free sample
Bare Naked- free full size with coupon code
Violent- sample jar
Secretive- sample jar
He Loves Me not- sample jar
Makin' A Scene- sample jar
Boyfriend Sweater- sample jar

I primed my fore arm with Urban Decay Primer Potion, because I will always use that before shadows. Also, for each color, the swatch on the left is without fix + from MAC, the ones on the right has fix + in the swatch. The swatches aren’t that good, I’m sorry. My camera is broken, so I am taking the pictures on my cell phone. Below are swatches of all the shadows, I hope you enjoy! Links to contact Vanessa will also be below!
L-R; Secretive, Makin' a Scene, Boyfriend Sweater

L-R; He Loves me not, Violent

L-R;Jealousy, Ladies Night, Bare Naked


Laetitia said...

J'hésite encore de commander..les couleurs des ombres sont pas mal..mais j'ai peur de la qualité et la consistance..
Merci à toi en tout cas... ;)

Unknown said...

Les couleurs sont absolument belles ! Êtes-vous situé en France ? Vous pouvez visualiser l'information au sujet de l'expédition internationale ici :
Merci pour la lecture !