December 29, 2014

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things: December 2014

Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars: Bruno Mars might just be one of my favorite artists because he combines the Motown I grew up listening to (and still today) with modern beats and lyrics. This song is no exception and is too fun!

RapidLash (℅): Stay tuned for a full review towards the end of January, but this has grown to be one of my favorite new products!

OAT Cashmere Adele Travel Wrap: This is up there with the most luxurious things I own and I knew I had to share it so I bought one for my mom for Hanukkah as well. It's so cozy and while it does look amazing while traveling, it's also great to just snuggle up in while at home.

Rimmel Gentle Eye Makeup Remover: I received this in my Influenster Frosty Vox Box this month which came just in time because I was almost out of eye makeup remover. It's super gentle, not too oily, and really gets my eye makeup off at the end of the day.

Rimmel ScandalEyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal Eyeliner: Another goodie from my Influenster Frosty Vox Box which just so happens to be one of my favorite eyeliners of all time. It's super dark and smooth and applies easily without skipping on my lash line.

MAC Quarry Eye Shadow: I got this earlier in the month through the Back 2 MAC program in an effort to experiment with colors I don't usually play around with.

Indulgio Sweet & Salty Caramel Cappuccino: Typically, I only drink coffee twice a week before class on Tuesday & Thursday but finals week was an exception this month. One of my roommates brought these back to Boston after Thanksgiving break and I think I used almost every K-Cup in the package.

Zara Sweater // H&M Necklace // Old Navy Jeans // Audrey Brooke Boots
The highlight of the month would definitely have to be the holiday shopping event I hosted with Nikki Zais of From Boston, With Love. The event was absolutely amazing and came together so well (stay tuned for more possible collabs from us in the future)!

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